April 13th Spring Exhibition! and other news

Pelee Island here I come! I head out next week for my week long residency on Pelee Island as part of the Stone & Sky Music & Art Series

The 7th annual Stone & Sky Music & Arts Series is a growing and eclectic series of concerts and other artistic events containing spoken word, live performance, and visual arts. It takes place over 8 weekends in June, July, and August in a disused, fossilized, limestone quarry amphitheatre on Pelee Island.  This gem of a venue boasts remarkable acoustics and flourishes with indigenous and endangered species of plants and animals, some of which are native only to Pelee Island in all of Canada.  Primarily promoting local professional artists, we are proud to present many talented artists and performers.  Artists participate in week long residencies that culminate with the delivery of weekend workshops at no cost to participants.  Stone & Sky is recognized by Heritage Canada and The Ontario Arts Council.  Doors open at 5:30, performances end in time to catch the last ferry to the mainland!

Open Quarry | Saturdays from 10 am – 1 pm to catch a glimpse behind the curtain of artists and their practices. Artists will be plying their trade in the shade while the public is encouraged to ask their advice, participate in a workshop, or simply sit and watch.

Sunday, July 28, 6:00 pm

Word: D.A. Lockhart (Poet)

Music: Karloff, Manzerolle, and Palazzolo (Jazz Trio)

Art: Tina Newlove

Looking forward to painting in the Quarry!  It’s reminding me of this piece I painted a while back Embraced by the Land, Private Collection.

Tine Newlove -Embraced - Art

Keep an eye out for my next post announcing my September exhibition Social Settings of New Works at Towne Square Gallery in Oakville. Hope to see you there.

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